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Monday, June 4, 2012

Gradient Lips.

 Hey there! I don't usually wear lipstick as much but I do tend to have a few and I usually just play around with them. Usually when I do wear it I do a gradient effect just because it's different and it's actually fun to do once you get the hang of it! I decided maybe I can show u girlies how I do my gradient effect on my own lips. Ps, I don't have the best lips shapes ever and i'm just gonna do a rough version of it hehe.

This is how it looks like:

What I used:

NYX Black Label Lipstick, Colour: Poem BLL 177
M.A.C Amplified, Colour: Craving A60
Hyatt Beauty Lip Liner (drug store) Colour: Plum 721


1. Apply the lighter lipstick in the middle of your lips 

2. Apply the darker lipstick at the corners of your lips and overlap the lighter lipstick showing some of the lighter lipstick  

3. Apply more of the lighter lipstick again in the middle overlapping the darker lipstick then press your lips together and softly rub them together this will blend the colours together well. Add more lighter lipstick or darker lipstick if u want.

4. Use a lip liner which is darker then your darker lipstick and apply as much as you want in the inner corner of your lip top and bottom.

The colour of my lip liner, you can see how darker it is comparison to the lipstick colours 

 Blend the liner in, lining your lip shape as well but don't line it all the way in the middle as you want to keep the lighter lipstick untouched. Press your lips together and rub them more if it is required and youre done!

The more u apply the liner and the darker it is the more gradient effects it gives, but remember don't over do it :)

hope this helps you girls out 
x, viv

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